Dragon Ball Super SD Super Saiyan Goku Dash Blue Key Chain
"Dragon ball Z" follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z warriors, defends the earth against evil. The action adventures are entertaining and reinforce the concept of good versus evil. "Dragon ball Z" teaches valuable character virtues such as teamwork, loyalty, and Trustworthiness.
We do not guarantee against shelf wear or minor damage to packaging during shipping. Also some figures show minor paint and packaging imperfections. Funko does not consider these as defects, so they cannot be returned due to these imperfections.
Safety Warning: This Product is for Adult Collectors. It may contain sharp points, small parts that are choking hazards, and other elements that are not suitable for children under 3 years of age.
We do not guarantee against shelf wear or minor damage to packaging during shipping. Also some figures show minor paint and packaging imperfections. Funko does not consider these as defects, so they cannot be returned due to these imperfections.
Safety Warning: This Product is for Adult Collectors. It may contain sharp points, small parts that are choking hazards, and other elements that are not suitable for children under 3 years of age.